The training provided is been conducted within the ECHO project. This project has received funding by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 830943
Get insights in how to organising hackathons and ideathons
Within the ECHO-project that is building a network of cybersecurity centres and valuable assets such as an early warning system and federated cyberranges, we value innovation a lot. This is why we developed our methodology for organising hackathon and ideathon events. We want to share this methodology with you so that you also can benefit from this powerful tool to generate new ideas and align with emerging market needs. We have grouped our knowledge in four modules.
Get to know more about this type of event's organisation and timeline.
Understand your roles and tasks so that you can get the most out of the event.
Master the most effective methodologies in supporting team's activity and help it to achieve its goals.
Master the ECHO Hackathon Code of Conduct and help ensure a safe and pleasant hackaton experience for everyone.
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